Convert JSON array to table in Power BI

Convert JSON array to table in Power BI

26 Oct 2022 0 Door Bjorn Meijer

Suppose you have a JSON file that looks like this and you want to import it as a table into Power BI:

{ "fields": [ { "field": "field1", "type": "string" }, { "field": "field2", "type": "string" }, { "field": "field3" , "type": "integer" }, { "field": "eventTimestamp", "type": "date" } ], "results": [ [ "field1value1", "field2value1", 10, "26 Oct 2022 22 :01" ], [ "field1value2", "field2value2", 20, "28 Oct 2022 15:22" ], [ "field1value3", "field2value3", 30, "17 Oct 2022 12:46" ] ] }

This JSON file consists of two arrays:

  • fields;
  • results.

In the list “fields” shows the column names and what data type the column contains. In "results” the values of the relevant columns are displayed in a structured manner.

We have four columns:

  • field1;
  • field2;
  • field3;
  • eventTimestamp.

We want to import the JSON into Power BI as a tabular form, resulting in the table below.

1field1value1field2value21026 Oct 2022 22:01
4field1value2field2value22028 Oct 2022 15:22
6field1value3field2value33017 Oct 2022 12:46

Retrieving data from a source

Start Power BI and create a new report.
We start by getting the data from the JSON file. For this we go to the tab Start and click the button Retrieve data.

A new window will open. If in the right column of the window you do not have a JSON You can enter “JSON” in the search box.

Import JSON source file into Power BI
Import JSON source file into Power BI

The Power Query Editor

The Power BI Power Query Editor opens with the imported JSON file. In the table you see two columns called fields and results.

Power BI Query Editor
Power BI Query Editor

In the table there is one row with a list. Click next to the text list of the column “fields” and you will see at the bottom of your screen (in the preview) that it contains four records. These are the column names.
Click next to the text list of the column “results“. You can see that it contains three records. These are the number of rows.

Expand to Rows

Click in the column “results” on the button with the two arrows click on Expand to new rows.

The table has now expanded from one to three rows. Click next to the text list of the column “results” you will see the values of the row in question at the bottom of your screen (in the preview).

Power BI Query Editor Expand to Rows
Power BI Query Editor Expand to Rows

Add column

Click on the tab Add column and click the button Custom column. A new window will open. Fill in the following formula:

Table.Transpose(Table.FromList([results], Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error))
Power BI Query Editor Add custom column
Power BI Query Editor Add custom column

Delete other columns

Right click on the column name “Amended” which has just been created and choose Delete other columns. You now only keep the column “Amended" about.

Power BI Query Editor Delete other columns
Power BI Query Editor Delete other columns

Expand column to rows

Click in the column “Amended” on the button with the two arrows and make sure the option “Unfold” is selected and click the “OK“.

Power BI Query Editor Expand column to rows
Power BI Query Editor Expand column to rows

Customize column names

The next step is to add column names which are in the JSON file. We do this by adjusting the current table names to the values in the column “fields“.

Add New Query

On the right side of the Power Query editor you can see the applied steps. Stand on the third step (Type changed) and then right-click on the column name “fields“. From the context menu choose Add as new query.

Power BI Query Editor Add new query
Power BI Query Editor Add new query

Convert to Table

Go to the tab transform and click the button To table in the category To convert.
A new window will open (To table) and click here on the button “OK“.

Power BI Query Editor Convert to Table
Power BI Query Editor Convert to Table

Expand to new rows

Click on the button with the two arrows of the column and choose Expand to new rows. After the rows have been expanded, click the button with the two arrows again. Press the button "OK“.

As a result, we see the column names in the first column and the data type in the second column.

Power BI Query Editor Expand Rows
Power BI Query Editor Expand Rows

Customize column names in table of values

Select the table containing the data (sample). Then click from the tab Start on the button Advanced Editor in the category query.

A new window will open in which you can adjust the so-called M-code. Adjust the M-code to the example below.

 let Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("C:\Users\BjornM\OneDrive -\Documents\Power BI\Convert JSON\sample.json")), #"Converted to table" = Table.FromRecords ({Source}), #"Type changed" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Converted to table",{{"fields", type any}, {"results", type any}}), #"results expanded" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Type changed", "results"), #"Custom column added" = Table.AddColumn(#"results expanded", "Custom", each Table.Transpose(Table.FromList([results], Splitter .SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error))), #"Other columns removed" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Custom column added",{"Custom"}), #"Custom expanded" = Table.ExpandTableColumn (#"Other columns removed", "Custom", {"Column1", "Column2", "Column3", "Column4"}, {"Custom.Column1", "Custom.Column2", "Custom.Column3", " Custom.Column4"}), #"Custom Expanded Column Names" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Custom Expanded",List.Zip({Table.ColumnNames(#"Custom Expanded"),#"fields"[Column1.field]}) ) in #"Customize column names"

Then press the button “OK” to apply the changes. As a result, you will see that all column names have been modified.

Power BI Query Editor Customize column names
Power BI Query Editor Customize column names

Customize data type

The last step is to change the data type of each column. For this we use a function.

Create function

Click from the tab Start on New source and choose a Empty query.

Enter the code below and change the query name to "ConvertType“.

= (input as text) as type => let values = { {"string", type text}, {"integer", type number}, {"date", type datetimezone}, {input, type any} }, Result = List.First(List.Select(values, each _{0}=input)){1} in Result

Edit data type of column names

In the table "results” let's add the last step to give each column the correct data type.

Select the table containing the data (sample). Then click from the tab Start on the button Advanced Editor in the category query.

A new window will open in which you can adjust the so-called M-code. Adjust the M-code to the example below.

let Source = Json.Document(File.Contents("C:\Users\BjornM\Downloads\Convert JSON\sample.json")), #"Converted to Table" = Record.ToTable(Source), #"Expanded Value" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Value"), #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expanded Value", each ([Name] = "results")), #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Filtered Rows", "Custom", each Table.Transpose(Table.FromList([Value], Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error))), #"Removed Other Columns " = Table.SelectColumns(#"Added Custom",{"Name", "Custom"}), #"Expanded Custom" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Removed Other Columns", "Custom", {"Column1", " Column2", "Column3", "Column4"}, {"Custom.Column1", "Custom.Column2", "Custom.Column3", "Custom.Column4"}), #"Removed Columns" = Table.RemoveColumns(# "Expanded Custom",{"Name"}), #"Custom Rename" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Removed Columns",List.Zip({Table.ColumnNames(#"Removed Columns")),#"fields"[field ]})), #"Custom ChangeType" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Custom Rename",List.Zip({Table.ColumnNames(#"Custom Rename")),List.Transform(#"fields"[Column1.type] , each ConvertType(_))})) in #"Custom ChangeType"

Then press the button “OK” to apply the changes. As a result, you see that the data types of all columns have been adjusted.

Power BI Query Editor Change data type
Power BI Query Editor Change data type


If you can't figure it out with the above guide alone, download the sample file or ask a question by leaving a message.